RNP participates in Campus Party with hackathon and high performance Internet

- 08/11/2022

With a challenge for programmers, RNP seeks to make the service more accessible to PwDs

Seeking social inclusion and improving the user experience in the digital world, RNP will promote a hackathon during Campus Party Brasil, which will take place from November 11th to 15th at the Exhibition Pavilion/Anhembi District, in São Paulo. In addition to promoting the challenge aimed at software developers, designers and programming professionals, RNP will play a very important role in the event's connectivity, providing a high-speed cable Internet network for the largest technology festival in Brazil. The Campus Party should bring together 200,000 people in the 5-day event.


In the “Acessibilithon Confweb: “Technology Breaking Barriers and Inclusion” hackathon, each team will have the mission to create solutions to improve the accessibility and user experience of the Web Conference. This cloud service developed by RNP combines video and audio to create virtual rooms for classes, meetings, lectures and projects. The application offers several features for instant and collaborative interaction, such as chat and sharing notes, images and files. 

“The Web Conference is used by thousands of students from Higher Education Institutions, supporting classes, group work, course completion work, defenses of master's dissertations and doctoral theses, and other remote processes carried out by these institutions. Its use has also been benefiting the most diverse areas of knowledge, such as actions related to health in the More Doctors for Brazil Project”, explains the Director of Services and Solutions at RNP, Antônio Carlos Nunes. 

For Nunes, it is essential that RNP actively participate in the inclusion of people with disabilities in the use of services such as the Web Conference. “Estimates presented by the 2010 Census indicate that 24% of the Brazilian population declared having some degree of disability in at least one of the skills investigated. Such data show the importance of making the professional market aware of the need to work on projects aimed at improving the quality of life of these people and their entire student and professional environment”, says the director.

With activities, lectures and mentoring, the hackathon will take place at the Disruption Arena. On November 14th, the teams must deliver their projects, which will be evaluated by a panel of judges. The winners will be announced on the same date. The challenge will distribute BRL 10,000 in prizes: BRL 5,000 for the winning team; BRL 3,000 for the second place; and BRL 2,000 for the third. The teams will have the support of professionals specialized in the process of creating solutions and the team of professionals from Mconf, a partner company of RNP that develops the technology used in the Web Conference. They will teach challenge participants how to use tools like Business Model Canvas and Product Discovery.

High-speed connection for 200,000 people



One of Campus Party's attractions is the high-speed connection. As in previous years, RNP will be the provider of the wired Internet network for the entire event, with speeds of up to 10 Gigabits per second. Another service offered by RNP will be eduroam, exclusive Wi-Fi for students, professors and researchers from the Federated Academic Community (CAFe), which brings together Brazilian teaching and research institutions through the integration of their databases. 

RNP will also be present at the Campus Party with the lecture “Ipezinho: how a robot has been contributing to education in Brazil”, to be held on November 14th, on the Git Stage, starting at 3:30 pm. Speakers will be Amanda Santos Pereira, Back-End developer and Services analyst at RNP, and Lucas Ornelas, Technology analyst at RNP. The two will tell the story of Ipezinho, a chatbot created to help users of Rede Ipê, a Brazilian academic network developed by RNP to provide Internet for scientific projects, researchers and teaching institutions. 

RNP will also have a booth inside the Campus Party, where usability tests will be carried out on the Web Conference and Eduplay, applications created by RNP. There will also be the distribution of comic books telling the history of the Internet in Brazil and RNP's fundamental participation in this process, which began in 1992. Cosplay-style characters will deliver the comic books to the public. 

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