Pesquisa e Desenvolvimento - 07/12/2023 RNP participates in an initiative that broke the record for transmitting academic data at an event in the USA
Soluções - 07/12/2023 RNP participates in public hearing of the Senate Science and Technology Committee
Soluções - 05/12/2023 Internet Brasil completes initial phase with 10,000 broadband chips delivered to students registered with CadÚnico
Soluções - 29/11/2023 Immersion workshop held in Brasília formalizes partnership between RNP, MEC and Ufal in favor of building the Education Data Platform
Pesquisa e Desenvolvimento - 27/11/2023 RNP and M-Lab sign MoU to make network performance measurements available for research purposes
Eventos - 22/11/2023 Piauí holds the seventh edition of the state's Network Technologies Workshop on the 29th and 30th of November
Institucional - 21/11/2023 Tical 2023 celebrates 20 years of RedCLARA and the role of networks in digital transformation
Soluções - 10/11/2023 Conecta Rede reinforces the purpose of boosting digital transformation in the Federal Professional and Technological Education Network during the 47th REDITEC