Internet Brasil proof of concept will reach up to 10,000 students

- 25/08/2022

Created to expand internet access for public elementary school students, the Internet Brasil Program , executed by RNP, is in the Proof of Concept phase. In a kind of pilot project, around 10,000 students from 15 schools in six cities in the Northeast Region will receive chips with mobile broadband, to be used inside and outside school units. 

For Hélder Vitorino de Souza, project manager, the Proof of Concept (PoC, as this stage is known) is fundamental for the development of the program, because it allows improving the service. “RNP is carrying out the PoC precisely to better understand the technical aspects and possibilities of use, encourage new models and understand the program's potentialities and even limitations. This will allow us to make the necessary adjustments before expanding to other schools”, he highlighted.

The program, promoted by the Ministry of Communications (MCom), with support from the Ministry of Education (MEC) and executed by RNP, chose six cities for the first delivery of neutral chips - a card similar to the traditional one, but with the e-SIM Card technology, which allows the change of operator by RNP in the event of instability. The municipalities covered are Caicó (RN), Campina Grande (PB), Caruaru (PE), Juazeiro (BA), Mossoró (RN) and Petrolina (PE). The 15 selected schools have until September 23 to apply at the Internet Brasil portal , the benefit for students eligible to participate in the program.

Escolas da PoC Internet Brasil

The coordinator of the educational technology nucleus of the municipal education network of Petrolina (PE), Arlete Régis, says that everyone involved – employees of the Secretariat and schools – are committed to guaranteeing the success of the project. She hopes that joining the program will positively impact school communities, contributing to the reduction of school dropouts and better learning outcomes.

“Participation in the pilot project demonstrates the importance given by the Municipal Education Network to an innovative and inclusive education, as it includes less favored citizens in the use of technologies. The program will contribute to the digital inclusion of students and their families, but will also enable teachers to innovate in their pedagogical practices”, said Arlete.

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