CAIS support strengthens information security at Embrapa

The computers at all Embrapa units, connected to RNP, have 24-hour protection, from Sunday to Sunday! Programs for monitoring and detecting cyber attacks send daily alerts to the teams at RNP's Security Incident Response Center (CAIS). There, experienced technicians have a keen eye for identifying any malicious signal on the network and triggering protection protocols.  
In addition to having state-of-the-art technology, the center works to raise awareness and train its users to reduce the risk of network attacks.

In recent years, Embrapa, with the support of RNP, has invested in processes and training of professionals to work in the company's information security. In 2019, still on a pilot basis, the Network Incident Handling Team (ETIR-Embrapa) was created. In 2021, the regiment was formalized and approved by Embrapa's Executive Board. 
2021: Creation of the Network Incident Handling Team 
ETIR works as a collegiate of employees from different areas and units of Embrapa, who work together. When an incident related to information security is detected in the company, the IT Service Center is activated and performs a first assessment. Then, the ETIR team responsible for the region acts in notifying the unit of the incident, carrying out the follow-up and possible support for the treatment of the incident, which is done by the local IT team. 
At the same time, as a complement, Embrapa has the support of CAIS/RNP, which sends daily alerts of vulnerabilities and security incidents on the network, as well as support for the resolution of malicious activities. “The dialogue with RNP has always been very friendly and productive, seeking the exchange of information and resolution in dealing with network incidents”, says Embrapa's IT supervisor, Rommel Teodoro de Oliveira. 

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