Project displays a Brazilian gay marriage documentary

- 10/08/2016

The next session of project Networked Cinemas is scheduled for August 11. The feature film selected for this session is “Dressed as Bride", from Fabia Fuzeti and Gabi Torrezani. The documentary is about a gay marriage in Brazil, and shows the matrimonial process of main characters. “This work celebrates the conquest already achieved and points out what still needs to be done to ensure equal rights to gay families”, says Fabia Fuzeti, one of the directors and main character of the movie.

The movie also displays interviews with André and Sérgio Moresi, the first civil married gay couple in Brazil; Luciana Genro, important politician for LGBT community; Heloísa Alves, former coordinator of LGBT policies of the State of São Paulo, but not limited to.

After displaying the movie, from 8 p.m. to 9 p.m., the Brazilian Cinemateca will provide a chat with the main characters and filmmakers. The debate will be broadcast to other rooms via web conference by Mconf tool. According to Gabi Torrezani, Fabia's wife and also director of "Dressed as Bride" the session will be important to discuss about the subject. "The main idea of the documentary is to give visibility to the cause and reduce the prejudice that still exists," she said.

The display results from Networked Cinemas project, a cooperation between RNB and the Ministry of Culture (MinC) which aims to connect the university movie theaters and exhibitors to network infrastructure operated by RNP, thus facilitating the interchange access of content for these rooms. The August 11 session is composed by nine rooms: Cine Vila Rica (Ufop); Cine Aruanda (UFPB); Cine Arte UFF; Cine UFPel; CineUFSCar; Cine Metrópolis (Ufes); Cinema da UFBA; Fundaj; and the Brazilian Cinemateca.

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