RNP's director takes on office of counselor in a global data-sharing incentive organization

- 09/02/2015

The Research and Development director, Michael Stanton, was nominated by the Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation (MCTI) to be a member of the Board of the Research Data Alliance (RDA), for a three-year term of office. In December 2014, Michael participated in his first meeting as a RDA counsellor in Rome.

RDA is an international non-governmental organization, which supports data-sharing as a good practice to encourage research and the dissemination of scientific knowledge. According to the RDA Board co-chairman, John Wood, who is a professor at the University of London, with the cyberstructure, the dissemination and reuse of scientific research on a large scale generate new sources of economic resources for the benefit of society.

An individual member at RDA, Michael Stanton was appointed to fill a Latin American representative vacancy on the board, with expectations of promoting the growth of participation by RDA in the regional scientific community, in addition to advising the organization's own evolution.

According to Stanton, data reuse enables third party validation of experimental scientific findings. "For this reason, publication is important, not only of articles describing the methods adopted and their results, but also the data. RDA is concerned with the development of technical standards for the storage of both data and metadata", Michael explains.

During his stay in Rome, the director also represented MCTI in the Group of Senior Officers for Global Research Infrastructures, created to make recommendations for the governments of 14 countries, of the G8+O6 group, on international cooperation. Additionally, recommendations for the maintenance and use of these global research infrastructures were made, usually large laboratories or scientific observatories, which can be created with international or national governance, and open for use by scientists from other countries.

The group of contemplated countries is comprised by the G8 nations – United States, Germany, Canada, France, Italy, Japan, United Kingdom and Russia – joined by the O6 (other 6): China, India, Brazil, Mexico, South Africa and Australia.

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