Institucional - 26/04/2023 Diretor-geral da RNP parabeniza Embrapa pelos 50 anos e exalta parceria de longa data
Conectividade - 25/04/2023 RNP signs an agreement for the interiorization of networks in the state of Bahia
Conectividade - 24/04/2023 Join the Webinar "BELLA II: Allies to build the digital ecosystem of Latin America and the Caribbean"
Pesquisa e Desenvolvimento - 20/04/2023 ‘We want to present the results of OpenRan@Brasil at WRNP’, says director Iara Machado
Capacitação - 20/04/2023 Escola Superior de Redes promotes event to celebrate the role of women in IT
Pesquisa e Desenvolvimento - 19/04/2023 Saiba como uma instituição pode ser um cliente inicial das soluções desenvolvidas pelo Programa de PD&I da RNP
Pesquisa e Desenvolvimento - 19/04/2023 OpenRAN@Brasil holds the second technical workshop for the sector
Soluções - 18/04/2023 Government outlines first guidelines for TV 3.0 in Brazil, being developed by a group of researchers supported by RNP
Soluções - 14/04/2023 RNP presents improvements to the For platform at the first Forplad of 2023, held in Manaus
Soluciones - 13/04/2023 II PNLD Workshop brings together RNP, FNDE and Ufal in Maceió and partnership aims to digitally transform the program, benefiting education in Brazil