Segurança da informação - 28/06/2023 What is the Hackers do Bem program and why will it revolutionize cybersecurity in Brazil?
Segurança da informação - 10/05/2023 RNP and GSI of the presidency unite in agenda for bilateral cooperation
Segurança da informação - 04/04/2023 RNP shares the experience of the LGPD Program pilot at INCA with the health community
Segurança da informação - 13/01/2023 With the support of RNP, Ebserh participates in a collaboration project to prevent cyber threats
Segurança da informação - 15/12/2022 Federal government launches Digital Government Integrated Cybersecurity Center based on partnership between RNP and IDB
Segurança da informação - 09/12/2022 DISI'22, RNP's cybersecurity event took place during the National Science and Technology Week with the theme "My smartphone, my life"